Module Director: Richard Born
Imaging Specialist: Vladimir Berezovskii
The Neural Imaging Module provides expertise for anatomical studies (tracer injections, animal perfusions and histological preparation of brain tissue), quantitative microscopy of histological sections (Neurolucida facility) and non-invasive imaging of structure and function (MRI and CT). Our imaging specialist, Dr. Vladimir Berezovskii, is skilled with "classical" neural tracers and histochemistry, tracing neural connections with viral tracers and also immunocytochemistry and in situ hybridization for markers of neuronal subtypes. He can train personnel from core labs in these methods.
Neurolucida System: Axioscop Zeiss for light and fluorescence microscopy; Optronic Engineering DEI-750 camera; Lucivid - optical image superpositioner; 3D stage controller; Pentium processor with Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 91TXMmonitor. Software includes latest releases of Neurolucida and Stereo Investigator (V10).
Confocal Microscopy: Leica TCS SP2 spectral confocal and multiphoton microscope, with six laser lines plus a Coherent Mira Ti:sapphire tunable femtosecond IR laser, with 10W Verdi pump laser, on fixed-stage Leica microscope for physiological recordings; Laboratory fabricated two-photon microscope with Spectraphysics Tsunami Ti:Sapphire laser.
Magnetic Resonance Imaging: 3T GE Excite scanner and a Siemens Skyra 3T scanner at the Brigham & Women’s Hospital are available for animal research.
Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner A Ceretom portable CT scanner with 0.65mm resolution.